In this module, we will explore the opportunities open to 21st century entrepreneur that will grow with the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
We will look at taking care of Number One – YOU.
And “getting the show on the road”
Module price: FREE of charge
1 year of access
This module is worth R 180.00, but you can currently take it FREE of charge
Take all the modules to earn the completion certificate
R 1
For a very reasonable once-off price, you can enroll for the whole ‘Start your own Business’ course and upon successful completion, you will be awarded the DoBetter.Business course completion certificate.
Module 2 outline • Let’s get your business started on the road to success
What you should know by the end of this module
Opportunities for the small enterprise owner
Where do we start?
Technology-driven opportunities
Future-Proof yourself
Side gig or 100% commitment?
Making the move
Take good care of yourself
Coaches and mentors
Keep balance in your life
You are not alone
When to make your side-gig your full-time commitment
What do you need for your business?
What Others Have Said
By: Arshaad Yousuph
Informative, relevant and to the point.