


Business resilience is essential for small and medium sized enterprises.
The SURE training programme empowers your business in the face of unexpected multiple hazards such as:
pandemics (Covid), technology challenges (cyber crime & load-shedding), natural disasters (floods & droughts), economic upheavals (recessions), and social disruptions (riots & unrest).

Our challenge     

In today’s globalized world, businesses face a vast array of threats to their operations. The COVID-19 pandemic and well as the kZN floods and unrest have underlined, as never before, that businesses need to be prepared to face unexpected events.  In short, they need to be resilient and sustainable.

Program at a glance

Blended online training Webinars, self-guided eLearning units, and individual e-coaching.
Customizable Customize the training material to the specific risk scenarios you face.
One-on-one Coaching Work directly with an experienced coach to guide your learning and formulate a strategy specific for your business.

The SURE programme

Sustainable & Resilient Enterprises (SURE) training programme consists of six core modules teaching business leaders nine resilience practices that can be customized for your needs.

Developed through a partnership by the ILO and GIZ, and with the support of a global advisory group, these modules are taught through a blended combination of webinars, self-guided eLearning, and individual coaching. You will create a business resilience strategy applicable to your specific needs by the end of SURE programme.

SURE training allows for comprehensive crisis management planning and provides tangible processes for SME owners to build user-friendly crisis and disaster management tools. This training empowers leaders and businesses to face and manage threats from any kind of hazard, crisis, or disaster.

Adapt your business to any disruption

The SURE training programme defines business resilience as “the ability of a business to anticipate and respond to crises, not only to survive and recover but also to evolve.” To do so, you need to build and strengthen three capacities within your business:

Leadership & Culture: to provide clear direction and purpose when faced with crises and to engage staff in achieving business resilience objectives.

Risk Analysis & Management: to anticipate risks, withstand crises, and continue delivering core products and services while responding to changing market and consumer pressures.

Networks & Partnerships: to engage with third parties that are important to your business such as suppliers, competitors, government agencies, and others to achieve business resilience objectives.

Programme attendance feeThe course fee is $325 / R 5,000. The organisers are however offering 250 full scholarships until 31 October, 2022 for participants who successfully complete the programme by submitting their own business resilience strategy at the end of the programme.
Earn your certification as a sustainable and resilient enterprise leader:Participants who complete the programme will receive a certificate of completion upon successful submission of their own business resilience strategy, issued by the SURE trainer and/or implementation partner.

Protect your business, embrace your future:

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