Lean business thinking

No! You don’t have to fail

It is fashionable these days to glamourise entrepreneurial failure.  Indeed, you’re considered a failure if you haven’t failed yet. But any small business owner who has survived the devastation of business collapse and who has dragged themselves out of the financial quagmire, knows full well how dreadful this is.  To motivate yourself to get up

No! You don’t have to fail Read More »

Lean and mean start-up ladies

After almost an hour searching for their car in the shopping mall parking garage, Nandi and Mandy got a brainwave: Why isn’t there a Find-my-Car app? Why don’t we write it? Thousands of people who would thank us for it. Nandi had been teaching herself to code on codecademy and appinventor and believed she could whip up something in

Lean and mean start-up ladies Read More »

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