Bonus module value: R 180.00. For you: FREE of charge
1 year of access
This module is worth R 180.00, but you can currently take it FREE of charge
Take all the modules to earn the completion certificate
R 1
For a very reasonable once-off price, you can enroll for the whole ‘Start your own Business’ course and upon successful completion, you will be awarded the DoBetter.Business course completion certificate.
Bonus Module outline • No! You don’t have to fail – This is how to succeed
What you should know by the end of this module
Glamourising failure
The reality of business failure
It is inevitable that entrepreneurs will ‘fail’, sometime
Too much failure is a problem
So why do real entrepreneurs also fail?
The impact of external factors
Anticipate and prevent avoidable failure
The benefits of failure
Pivot or re-invent
Closing with some helpful advice
What Others Have Said
A true entrepreneurial essential.
By: Arshaad Yousuph
I admit and see that I needed to go through this course 3 years ago. However here I am grateful to my business coach and for Rick Ed for educating me and I am sure many others through his impartation of valuable and necessary knowledge. Thank you, Rick Ed, for creating and sharing ''start our own business''